Growing Connection - Riverdale Season 3 Episode 12

After their earlier secrets and hesitation, Moose and Kevin seem to be getting a lot closer. They're finally embracing their relationship.

The Big Test - Riverdale Season 3 Episode 10

The students of Riverdale High are focusing on their SAT prep, but one student looks too worried for words. What has made Veronica scared?

Hit The Books - Riverdale Season 3 Episode 6

Kevin does not look interested in his class at all. Could a different book be on his mind? Something involving Gargoyles?

Love Connection - Riverdale Season 3 Episode 1

Kevin is always trying to find the one; he loves love and wants to find that special someone. He's currently seeing Moose, but will that romance last or will it fizzle out?

Delivery Man - Riverdale

This is a new look for Kevin Keller. He's delivering a case of drinks for a delivery service. Is this a new job or an undercover role?

Future Lovers - Riverdale Season 3 Episode 4

Another relationship that is years in the making: young Sierra and Tom are getting cozy as well. You can already feel their passion for each other.

Opening Night - Riverdale Season 3 Episode 3

Veronica's plans to open a speakeasy might come true. The place seems to go, but from the look of their expressions, trouble might be on the horizon.

Battleground - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 21

The Serpents are looking for blood after Fangs got shot. The boys of Riverdale High are standing their ground.

Mr. Director - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 18

Kevin is taking charge in his role of director. He's going to throw the best musical that Riverdale High has ever seen.

Practice Makes Perfect - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 18

The students will need to practice lots before the big day. They'll need to memorize all their lines and songs.

Behind-The-Scenes Video - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 18

Jughead isn't one to join group activities, so it's not surprising to see him recording the drama instead of being in it.

Running The Play - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 18

Kevin Keller is running the popular musical at Riverdale High. Though, it seems he might have an assistant in Fangs Fogarty.

Casey Cott Quotes

Kevin: Is it true what they say about your dad?
Veronica: That he's the devil incarnate? I stand by my father. Does everyone here know?
[Awkward silence]
Veronica: Wonderful! Ten minutes in and I'm already the "Blue Jasmine" of Riverdale High.

Kevin: Oh my God!
Betty: What?
Kevin: Game changer - Archie got hot! He's got abs now. Six more reasons for you to take that ginger bull by the horns tonight.