Stake Out - Walker Season 2 Episode 2

Walker and Captain James are at a stake out watching Micki.

Taking a Ride - Walker Season 2 Episode 2

Captain James takes Garrison for a little ride.

Examining the Artwork - Walker Season 2 Episode 2

The group examines the artwork Micki got from Garrison.

Confrontation - Walker Season 2 Episode 2

Walker, Micki, and Denice look angry about what they found.

Deep Undercover-Tall - Walker Season 2 Episode 2

Cordell grabs Garrison, Micki's ex boyfriend while she watches.

Deep Undercover - Walker

Walker worries about Micki going deep undercover. "The One Who Got Away" is the second episode of the show's second season.

Cordell & Denice - Walker Season 2 Episode 1

Cordell and Denice want to broker peace among their families.

Coach Trey - Walker Season 2 Episode 1

Trey is angry someone disturbed his practice.

Trey and Micki - Walker Season 2 Episode 1

Trey keeps an eye on Micki and tries not to blow her cover.

The Bros & Geri - Walker Season 2 Episode 1

The Walker brothers and Geri discuss what happened at the bar.

The Walker Brothers Season 2 Episode 1

The Walker brothers having a bonding moment at the bar.

Tension at the Bar - Walker Season 2 Episode 1

Cordell looks angry at who walked into the bar.

Walker Quotes

Walker: Congratulations on the promotion. Should have celebrated last night.
Micki: I think you celebrated enough for both of us last night.

Walker: Micki. I figured you'd be a guy.
Micki: So did my mom.