Kevin Goes Grocery Shopping - This Is Us Season 2 Episode 12

Kevin goes grocery shopping with Miguel and Rebecca following his stint in rehab.

Looking Into the Past - This Is Us

Randall looks into William's past on This Is Us. "Clooney" is the 12th episode of the show's second season.

Don't Say I Never Gave You Anything - This Is Us Season 2 Episode 11

Kevin and Jack spend some quality time together. Are they going to one of his games? Is this a flashback of his father that comes up during the recovery process?

Katie Girl - This Is Us Season 2 Episode 11

Kate's still in her gorgeous dress but it seems her mood has taken a turn for the worse. Did Rebecca shoot down one of her ideas?

Daddy's Girl - This Is Us Season 2 Episode 11

Kate's rocking her best dress but what's the occasion? Regardless, Jack seems to have some good news for the family. Did he get a promotion? Or is he gloating about Kate's achievements?

Kevin Is Getting Help - This Is Us Season 2 Episode 11

The road to recovery is never easy but the first step is admitting you have a problem. Will Kevin be a changed man after this devastating wake-up call? Or will he go back to his old ways?

Alcoholics Annonymous - This Is Us Season 2 Episode 11

Kevin seems to be getting the help he needs. From the looks of it, he's attending some kind of AA meeting. Is he finally opening up about his demons and confronting his grief?

You Can Always Count on Family - This Is Us Season 2 Episode 11

When the going gets tough, you can always count on your siblings. Despite everything they've been through, the Big Three still lean on each other for support. Are they visiting Kevin in rehab?

All About Kate - This Is Us Season 2 Episode 11

Something seems to be bothering Kate. Is she still being affected by the miscarriage? Is she trying to patch things up with Kevin? Is she inquiring about the possibility of getting pregnant again?

The Look of Love - This Is Us Season 2 Episode 11

The way Randall looks at Beth is how every man should look at his wife. But where are they going? Will they meet their new foster child?

Something's The Matter - This Is Us Season 2 Episode 11

Rebecca seems concerned about Kevin. Is he isolating himself from the siblings? Is he mad at her for something?

One With Nature - This Is Us Season 2 Episode 11

Kevin's also into books, even if they are just comic books! Hey, at least he's reading, right?

This Is Us Season 2 Quotes

I'm a 37-year-old woman. And I shouldn't need to be pushed or coddled. Not by a man, not by my husband, not by my brother, not by anyone!


I said no. But your father was so sure I was tired and I was grieving and he just kept pushing me. He was so determined that you were meant to be. Meant to be ours. Sometimes, in marriage, someone has to be the one to push to make the big moves. And oftetimes in our marriage, yes, it was your father. Our marriage wasn't perfect, it's true, but none are. And your father wasn't perfect either, but he was pretty damn close. As close as they come. He pushed a stranger on me, and the stranger became my child and that child became my life. He became you."
