Showdown in the Grill

Be very careful, Elena. Klaus may be in the Mystic Falls Grill here, but we doubt he's there to casually order a burger and fries.

Klaus vs. Damon

Klaus is back in Mystic Fall and he is NOT happy. He confronts Damon in this scene from "The New Deal."

An Armed Jeremy

Jeremy is ready to play a major part in battle. He lines up a crossbow shot here.

Torrey DeVitto on The Vampire Diaries

Welcome to Mystic Falls, Torrey DeVitto. We'd be very careful here if we were you.

Delena in Bed

From the episode "Ordinary People." Damon and Elena share a bed while they talk softly about saving Stefan.

Klaus as King?!?

This does not appear to bode well for the students at Mystic Falls. Klaus appears on stage during the Homecoming dance.

Caroline at Homecoming

Looking gorgeous, Caroline! This vampire has a lot more on her mind than fashion during the episode "Homecoming," however.

Stefan at the Dance

Stefan tries to put a plan in motion on "Homecoming." He chats with Klaus here during the episode.

Dastardly Duo

Klaus is back in Mystic Falls. Stefan doesn't look thrilled to see him, does he?

Klaus at Homecoming

Klaus stands in front of the school in this photo from "Homecoming." He has a sinister look on his face.

Twice the Gulp!

Elena and Matt react in this scene from "Homecoming." And not very well, either.

Sebastian Roché as Mikael

Mikael is aware. What will this mean for Klaus on The Vampire Diarise?!?

The Vampire Diaries Season 3 Quotes

It's your party. You can cry if you want to.


Hello, brother.
