Stand Off - The Orville Season 2 Episode 10

On The Orville Season 2 Episode 10, Malloy (Scott Grimes) and guest star Mackenzie Astin are confronted by Lt. Keyali (Jessica Szohr) in the shuttle bay of the Orville.

Casualties - The Orville Season 2 Episode 10

On The Orville Season 2 Episode 10, guest star Mackenzie Astin suffers injuries and is brought aboard The Orville. Malloy (Scott Grimes), Keyali (Jessica Szohr), and Dr. Finn (Penny Johnson Jerald) attend.

Commander Grayson - The Orville Season 2 Episode 10

On The Orville Season 2 Episode 10, Commander Grayson (Adrienne Palicki) is faced with a difficult dilemma during peace talks with the Krill.

Dr. Finn At Work - The Orville Season 2 Episode 10

On The Orville Season 2 Episode 10, Dr. Finn (Penny Johnson Jerald) checks in with a patient in less than ideal circumstances.

LaMarr and Keyali - The Orville Season 2 Episode 9

On The Orville Season 2 Episode 9, Lt. Cmdr. LaMarr (J Lee) and Lt. Keyali (Jessica Szohr) watch and wait.

In the Shuttle Bay - The Orville Season 2 Episode 9

On The Orville Season 2 Episode 9, Cmdr Grayson (Adrianne Palicki) and Captain Mercer (Seth MacFarlane) talk in the crowded shuttle bay.

Vertical Close-Up on Dr. Finn - The Orville Season 2 Episode 9

On The Orville Season 2 Episode 9, Dr. Finn (Penny Johnson Jerald) has a lot of her mind.

Isaac Addresses the Crew - The Orville Season 2 Episode 9

On The Orville Season 2 Episode 9, Captain Mercer (Seth MacFarlane), Cmdr Grayson (Adrianne Palicki), Dr. Finn (Penny Johnson Jerald), Lt. Keyali (Jessica Szohr), Lt. Cmdr. LaMarr (J Lee), Molloy (Scott Grimes), and Lt. Cmdr Bortus (Peter Macon) await Isaac's instructions.

Keyali Close Up Vertical - The Orville Season 2 Episode 9

On The Orville Season 2 Episode 9, Lt. Keyali (Jessica Szohr) takes in the situation.

Bortus at the Com - The Orville Season 2 Episode 9

On The Orville Season 2 Episode 9, Lt. Cmdr. Bortus (Peter Macon) returns to his seat on the bridge.

Vertical LaMarr at the Com - The Orville Season 2 Episode 9

On The Orville Season 2 Episode 9, Lt. Cmdr. LaMarr (J Lee) formulates an idea about the Kaylons

LaMarr Has an idea - The Orville Season 2 Episode 9

On The Orville Season 2 Episode 9, Lt. Cmdr. LaMarr (J Lee) comes up with some plans while at his com.

The Orville Quotes

Mercer: I know Gordon has his issues but we all know that there's nobody that can drive a starship like him.
Admiral: Didn't he once draw a penis on the main viewing screen of Outpost T-85?
Mercer: He's drawn a lot of penises on a lot of things.

Mercer: I've had some personal stuff that's been going on... It's not really worth going into... Can I have one of these mints?
Admiral: Those are marbles.