Checking out a Monkey - The Hot Zone Season 1 Episode 2

Wade, Dr. Jaax, and Walter approach Cell H to investigate the only monkey left alive that may have the Ebola virus.

Open Mind - The Hot Zone Season 1 Episode 2

Jerry has an open mind about his wife's need to save the world, but he's also concerned about the risk she's putting herself and her family in.

Survival is Not an Option

A woman is sick from the Ebola virus and has no chance of survival, but will the doctors be able to contain the spread?

A Thinking Dr. Jaax - The Hot Zone Season 1 Episode 1

Dr. Jaax has lots to think about in her role, but none more important than preventing a worldwide epidemic.

Running from Danger - The Hot Zone Season 1 Episode 1

People are evacuated after it is discovered that something dangerous may have been in their midst. Will they all get out okay?

Suited Up - The Hot Zone Season 1 Episode 1

Dr. Jaax takes every precaution to make sure she doesn't do anything to put herself or others in harm's way.

Precautions - The Hot Zone Season 1 Episode 1

Every effort is made to keep the doctors safe as they test viruses to see how deadly they are.

Safety at all Costs - The Hot Zone Season 1 Episode 1

Dr. Jaax is kept in isolation after her safety suit tears while viewing a deadly virus. Has she been infected?

Comrade - The Hot Zone Season 1 Episode 1

Dr. Peter Jahrling is a virologist who works with Dr. Jaax and will help her figure out if the virus is Ebola or not.

Could it be True? - The Hot Zone Season 1 Episode 1

Dr. Jaax and her team want to make sure what they are looking at is what it appears to be which they hope isn't too dangerous.

The Equipment - The Hot Zone Season 1 Episode 1

Specialized equipment is needed to test any sort of virus especially one as dangerous as the Ebola virus.

Not Dangerous Yet - The Hot Zone Season 1 Episode 1

Dr. Jaax tests everything that comes her way and hopes that she never finds anything that would cause a worldwide epidemic.

The Hot Zone Season 1 Quotes

Dr. Jaax: SHF doesn't kill cells like this.
Ben: That's what I'm saying.
Dr. Jaax: There's only a few things in the world that could do this.
Jahrling: User error?

Jason: Have you ever seen AIDS?
Jaime: Mom doesn't see human patients. Besides, Tammy's mom says all the AIDS are in New York --
Dr. Jaax: -- Um, Tami's mom believes that Falcon Crest is a real place. Let's just stick to science. Facts only.