A Fresh Face - The Gilded Age Season 2 Episode 1

Agnes informs Ada, Marian, and Oscar on Easter Sunday about the imminent arrival of her nephew, Dashiell Montgomery, in New York. Meanwhile, Bertha shuns Mrs Astor to support the Metropolitan Opera House, and Oscar begins courting Gladys once again.

A Friendly Chat - The Gilded Age Season 2 Episode 1

Agnes informs Ada, Marian, and Oscar on Easter Sunday about the imminent arrival of her nephew, Dashiell Montgomery, in New York. Meanwhile, Bertha shuns Mrs Astor to support the Metropolitan Opera House, and Oscar begins courting Gladys once again.

Arm in Arm - The Gilded Age Season 2 Episode 1

Agnes informs Ada, Marian, and Oscar on Easter Sunday about the imminent arrival of her nephew, Dashiell Montgomery, in New York. Meanwhile, Bertha shuns Mrs Astor to support the Metropolitan Opera House, and Oscar begins courting Gladys once again.

Classic Aunt Agnes - The Gilded Age Season 2 Episode 1

Agnes informs Ada, Marian, and Oscar on Easter Sunday about the imminent arrival of her nephew, Dashiell Montgomery, in New York. Meanwhile, Bertha shuns Mrs Astor to support the Metropolitan Opera House, and Oscar begins courting Gladys once again.

Kitchen Talk - The Gilded Age Season 2 Episode 1

Agnes informs Ada, Marian, and Oscar on Easter Sunday about the imminent arrival of her nephew, Dashiell Montgomery, in New York. Meanwhile, Bertha shuns Mrs Astor to support the Metropolitan Opera House, and Oscar begins courting Gladys once again.

An Unexpected Visit - The Gilded Age Season 2 Episode 1

Agnes informs Ada, Marian, and Oscar on Easter Sunday about the imminent arrival of her nephew, Dashiell Montgomery, in New York. Meanwhile, Bertha shuns Mrs Astor to support the Metropolitan Opera House, and Oscar begins courting Gladys once again.

Chatting Up the Ladies - The Gilded Age Season 2 Episode 1

Agnes informs Ada, Marian, and Oscar on Easter Sunday about the imminent arrival of her nephew, Dashiell Montgomery, in New York. Meanwhile, Bertha shuns Mrs Astor to support the Metropolitan Opera House, and Oscar begins courting Gladys once again.

Catching Up - The Gilded Age Season 2 Episode 1

Agnes informs Ada, Marian, and Oscar on Easter Sunday about the imminent arrival of her nephew, Dashiell Montgomery, in New York. Meanwhile, Bertha shuns Mrs Astor to support the Metropolitan Opera House, and Oscar begins courting Gladys once again.

Easter Mass - The Gilded Age Season 2 Episode 1

Agnes informs Ada, Marian, and Oscar on Easter Sunday about the imminent arrival of her nephew, Dashiell Montgomery, in New York. Meanwhile, Bertha shuns Mrs Astor to support the Metropolitan Opera House, and Oscar begins courting Gladys once again.

Look Over There - The Gilded Age Season 2 Episode 1

Agnes informs Ada, Marian, and Oscar on Easter Sunday about the imminent arrival of her nephew, Dashiell Montgomery, in New York. Meanwhile, Bertha shuns Mrs Astor to support the Metropolitan Opera House, and Oscar begins courting Gladys once again.

All Business - The Gilded Age Season 2 Episode 1

Agnes informs Ada, Marian, and Oscar on Easter Sunday about the imminent arrival of her nephew, Dashiell Montgomery, in New York. Meanwhile, Bertha shuns Mrs Astor to support the Metropolitan Opera House, and Oscar begins courting Gladys once again.

The Russells in their Element - The Gilded Age Season 2 Episode 1

Agnes informs Ada, Marian, and Oscar on Easter Sunday about the imminent arrival of her nephew, Dashiell Montgomery, in New York. Meanwhile, Bertha shuns Mrs Astor to support the Metropolitan Opera House, and Oscar begins courting Gladys once again.

The Gilded Age Season 2 Quotes

Mrs. Russell: Do you think the new Metropolitan Opera will succeed?
Mr. McAllister: Members of the Academy are very determined it should not, and if you jump that way, you’ll never take Mrs. Astor with ya. My advice would be to stick with her. She’ll get you into the Academy in the end.
Mrs. Russell: I’m not much good with “in the end.” Besides, nothing stays the same forever, and I can’t always be at Mrs. Astor’s beck and call.
Mr. McAllister: Why not? I am.

The Spring family has asked us to join them in their grief for Easter, so that is what we shall do.
