Not as Confident - The Flash Season 2 Episode 23

Barry doesn't look nearly as confident as he did immediately coming out of the Speed Force.

All Well Again - The Flash Season 2 Episode 23

It's good to see the Earth-2 meta attack signal didn't do too much damage to our dear Harry.

The West Family - The Flash Season 2 Episode 23

Now that Wally knows the identity of The Flash, he can hang with his family at STAR Labs, too!

Gal Pals - The Flash Season 2 Episode 23

The number of girls in STAR Labs is growing, which is always nice. Equality!

Thoughtful - The Flash Season 2 Episode 23

Caitlin looks thoughtful as she stands around the lab.

The Race - The Flash

Zoom really, truly wants to race Barry for some strange reason.

Meeting of the Minds - The Flash Season 2 Episode 22

Is this the beginning of the episode or the end? Is Barry delivering the end of the fight information or what they'll do to stop the metas?

Captain and Joe - The Flash Season 2 Episode 22

The Captain and Joe are doing stuff that policemen do. No idea what that stuff is, but we'll find out soon enough.

This Board is Wrong - The Flash Season 2 Episode 22

Hunter looks at the board and laughs, oh how he laughs. He doesn't think they have his plans figured out AT ALL.

Supplies - The Flash Season 2 Episode 22

Barry appears to be hiding in the supply closet. Or maybe they ran out of toilet paper, and he offered to make a run. He is the fastest dude.

Ready to Rumble - The Flash Season 2 Episode 22

It looks like Hunter and ... she has to be Laurel Lance, right?... are ready to throw down. Or make out. Which will it be?

Blonder - The Flash Season 2 Episode 22

When did Hunter and Black Siren meet? It looks like we'll find out, because she's definitely blonder here. Has to mean flashback!