Ressler is a Bad Boy - The Blacklist Season 7 Episode 10

Ressler has fully jumped to the dark side. He needs to show Park the true path to being an effective FBI agent.

Dembe is Better than Liz - The Blacklist Season 7 Episode 10

Liz should be booted from the show so Dembe can take her place in the spotlight. Wouldn't that make everyone happy?

Red Has Decisions to Make - The Blacklist Season 7 Episode 10

Red has to let Liz go. It doesn't matter how much he loves her, she's toxic to him and not loyal in the least.

Katarina Loves Liz - The Blacklist Season 7 Episode 10

Katarina pulls out her best act to trick the gullible Liz. How much will Red tolerate from his favorite FBI agent?

Liz Again - The Blacklist Season 7 Episode 10

Liz has loyalty issues. When will she ever learn? Who knows. The only thing that for certain is that she's maddening.

A Critical Choice - The Blacklist

Liz makes a critical choice on The Blacklist. "Katarina Rostova" is the tenth episode of the show's seventh season.

A Glass of Wine - The Blacklist Season 7 Episode 9

A glass of wine won't help Katarina trick Liz anymore. Liz might not be the smartest, but she knows the truth now.

Red Isn't the Only One - The Blacklist Season 7 Episode 9

Red has a secret, but he's not the only one now that we've delved into some of Ilya's memories. Katarina does too.

Looking In - The Blacklist Season 7 Episode 9

Liz realizes that she might have to get Agnes out of town to protect her from the craziness that's about to happen.

The Memory Master - The Blacklist Season 7 Episode 9

This guy is going to find out the things Katarina wants him to find out no matter what he has to do to get it done.

Memories Aren't Always Fun - The Blacklist Season 7 Episode 9

Ilya has to remember things he doesn't want to remember, but also he doesn't want to give the enemy the information.

A Beautiful Smile - The Blacklist Season 7 Episode 9

Liz loves being around Red and won't be thrilled when she finds out who her next door neighbor is. Will she be mad at Red?