Kelly Talking with the Crew - The Ark Season 1 Episode 7

Kelly talking with the Crew of Ark One about how things were on earth.

Kelly Serious - The Ark Season 1 Episode 7

Kelly, delivering saddening, serious news about Earth.

Kelly Sad - The Ark Season 1 Episode 7

Kelly saddened by the news she has to deliver to the crew of Ark One

Kelly Delivering Bad News - The Ark Season 1 Episode 7

Kelly delivers bad news to the rest of the crew of Ark One

Searching for Lane - The Ark Season 1 Episode 8

Eva, Felix, Alicia, and Jelena searching for where Lane could have contacted them from.

Jelena and Alina - The Ark Season 1 Episode 8

Jelena and Alina helping Felix in the search for Lt. Lane.

Eva and Felix - The Ark Season 1 Episode 8

Eva and Felix investigating, trying to find Lane's location on the ship.

Mr. and Mrs. Trust - The Ark Season 1 Episode 8

William and Helena trust talking to Garnet and Brice.

William Trust - The Ark Season 1 Episode 8

William Trust helping Eva and Alicia with the new faster than light travel.

Eva and Alicia Working - The Ark Season 1 Episode 8

Eva and Alicia working on the new faster than light travel.

Lane Listening to Garnet - The Ark Season 1 Episode 8

Lane listening to Lt. Garnet and Lt. Brice as they discuss his lies.

Brice and Garnet with Lane - The Ark Season 1 Episode 8

Lt. Brice and Lt. Garnet are having a conversation with Lane.

The Ark Quotes

Garnet: They're not children. They volunteered to be here and deserve an honest command.
Brice: And naturally, you're the best person to step up to the plate?
Garnet: I'm the person that did step up. What the hell did you do?

Starting today, we have to expect more of each other. Of ourselves. We have no alternatives.

Lieutenant Garnet