Gabriel and Octavia - The 100 Season 6 Episode 9

Gabriel and Octavia figuring out what happened once she went into that Anomaly after Diyoza and Hope.

Bellamy and Gabriel - The 100 Season 6 Episode 13

Bellamy and Gabriel posing together after their friendship took a slight hit when they reached Sanctum

Diyoza with Hope in Sanctum - The 100 Season 6 Episode 3

Diyoza looks after her and Hope after she is kicked out of Sanctum by Russell when he recognizes her.

Diyoza Caught - The 100 Season 6 Episode 7

A newspaper from Josephine's memory about the day that Diyoza was caught for her crimes back on Earth.

Diyoza Talks Back to Gabriel - The 100 Season 6 Episode 8

Diyoza makes it clear to Gabriel that taking away her weapons doesn't actually do anything if she wants to fight back.

Diyoza sees Hope - The 100 Season 6 Episode 8

Diyoza sees Hope before she heads into the mysterious Anomaly after her and Octavia has to follow her in.

Diyoza in Zeke's Jacket - The 100 Season 6 Episode 3

Diyoza in Zeke's jacket in Sanctum before she realizes that the Children of Gabriel are watching them.

Diyoza and Octavia Together - The 100 Season 6 Episode 8

Diyoza and Octavia connect when Octavia starts to lose her memories before she goes into the Anomaly.

Clarke Breaks Down - The 100 Season 6 Episode 13

Clarke breaks down with Bellamy as she wonders if they made the right choices on this new planet.

Bellamy Talks Down Clarke - The 100 Season 6 Episode 13

Bellamy expresses to Clarke why he thinks they did do better at Sanctum after she breaks down.

Bellamy and Clarke Together in the Finale - The 100 Season 6 Episode 13

Bellamy and Clarke hug in the finale after they both struggle to stay alive and to do the right thing.

Murphy Winks at Bellamy - The 100 Season 6 Episode 13

Murphy makes it clear to Bellamy that he is still himself and can be trusted while the cult members don't see.

The 100 Season 6 Quotes

Am I a monster? Yes, I am. Just like both of you. The cannibal doctor and the man she loves, even after he floated her husband.


Bellamy: I'm sorry I couldn't respond all those years. Madi told me.
Clarke: Of course she did. I know it sounds crazy, Madi certainly thought it was. But talking to you every day, even though you didn't answer, it kept me sane.
Bellamy: That's not crazy. A little pathetic maybe, but it's not crazy.