Maggie and Cal Work Together - Sullivan's Crossing

Maggie and Cal work together on Sullivan's Crossing. "Detours" is the third episode of the show's first season.

At the Bar - Sullivan's Crossing

This is a screenshot of Sullivan's Crossing Season 1 Episode 2 on The CW.

Maggie's Call - Sullivan's Crossing

This is a screenshot of Sullivan's Crossing Season 1 Episode 2 on The CW.

Hottie in the Bar - Sullivan's Crossing

This is a screenshot of Sullivan's Crossing Season 1 Episode 2 on The CW.

A New Light - Sullivan's Crossing

Cal and Maggie see one another in a new light on Sullivan's Crossing. "Homewrecker" is the second episode of the show's first season.

Chad Michael Murray as Cal Jones Season 1 Episode 1

Chad Michael Murray plays Cal Jones on Sullivan's Crossing. "Coming Home" is the first episode of the show's first season.

Returning Home - Sullivan's Crossing Season 1 Episode 1

Maggie Sullivan returns home on Sullivan's Crossing. "Coming Home" is the first episode of the show's first season.

Father and Daughter - Sullivan's Crossing

Maggie Sullivan returns home to her estranged father on Sullivan's Crossing. "Coming Home" is the first episode of the show's first season.

Sullivan's Crossing Season 1 Quotes

Andrew: Hey there.
Maggie: Andrew? What are you doing here?
Andrew: Your mother. She called in a panic, she was afraid you were gonna miss it.
Andrew: I drove the two hours from my place to yours, and I picked up all your things, and I rented a limo. You can thank me later.

Mrs. Markiff: Doctor! My son, Kevin Markiff, they came in together.
Maggie: You can't be here!
Mrs. Markiff: I just want to know if he's okay. Please, if you have any information...
Maggie: Your son suffered a few broken bones - but he's gonna be just fine.
Mrs. Markiff: Are you sure?
Maggie: Yes. Now, if someone can please escort Mrs. Markiff back