A Proud Dex? - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 12

Dex looks quite proud of herself and happy. What has her so pleased?

A Show of Sibling Love - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 12

Things have been rough between Dex and Ansel. It is nice to see a tender moment between the siblings.

Tookie and a Loaded Weapon - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 12

Who gave Tookie a mini blow torch to use? That can't be safe.

Taking Care of Business - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 12

It looks like Grey means business. What does he need to take care of?

A Concerned Max - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 12

Max looks worried. What has her freaking out on Stumptown Season 1 Episode 12?

He Knows Too Much - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 12

Did Scuzzy see something that he shouldn't have seen?

Max of Troy - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 12

Max has a pretty face, but is that pretty face enough for Grey to risk everything for?

Caught Red Handed? - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 12

Grey looks awfully suspicious. Was he caught red-handed?

A Smile From Max - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 12

Is Max actually cracking a smile on the latest episode of Stumptown?

An Overprotective Grey - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 12

Grey loves to play knight and shining armor to the ladies.

Trouble in Paradise? - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 12

Is there some trouble brewing between Max and her beau?

Max and Grey's Heart to Heart - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 12

Max and Grey share a heart to heart between two criminals.

Stumptown Season 1 Quotes

Ansel: I wanted to see how much you lost.
Dex: Punk.

  • Permalink: Punk.
  • Added:

Dex: Well you know what they say in Pashto, he who spreads his own goat dung is bound to step in it.
Guy: Pash-
Dex: To. Yeah, it’s what they speak in the stan.
Guy: Yeah.
Dex: Yeah anyone who actually served there would know that. Your dog tags don’t match the name on your credit card and nothing about your car keys says rental, so I’m guessing you’re not in from out of town either. I know you asked if I was from around here figuring we could go back to my place probably ‘cause there’s a woman back at yours.
Guy: Uh.
Dex: Hesitation, it’s when your body says yes before your mouth can say no, i.e., until you get your lies straight. I’m pretty sure only one of us is getting lucky tonight.