A Recording - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 11

Dex seems to be playing a recording for Betty, but of what?

She Means Business - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 11

Who brings a gun to church? Dex Parois does, and she means business.

Something Fishy - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 11

It looks like Dex feels like there is something amiss.

The Dex Stare - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 11

Dex can see right through someone with just one look.

God's Work - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 11

Betty, an employee at the church, takes on Dex. She really is doing God's work.

An Uncomfortable Dex - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 11

Is it the church or the case that has Dex feeling so uncomfortable?

Take Me to Church - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 11

Dex heads to church for her latest case on Stumptown Season 1 Episode 11.

Free Food - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 10

Is there really anything better than some free food?

Friends in High Places - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 10

It is always a good idea to make friends in high places.

The Opposition - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 10

Who is this woman that Dex is going up against during her case?

Cat Lady - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 10

Dex always struck me as more of a dog person than a cat lady.

Your Honor - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 10

It does not look like Dex is fairing so well during her case.

Stumptown Quotes

Ansel: I wanted to see how much you lost.
Dex: Punk.

  • Permalink: Punk.
  • Added:

Dex: Well you know what they say in Pashto, he who spreads his own goat dung is bound to step in it.
Guy: Pash-
Dex: To. Yeah, it’s what they speak in the stan.
Guy: Yeah.
Dex: Yeah anyone who actually served there would know that. Your dog tags don’t match the name on your credit card and nothing about your car keys says rental, so I’m guessing you’re not in from out of town either. I know you asked if I was from around here figuring we could go back to my place probably ‘cause there’s a woman back at yours.
Guy: Uh.
Dex: Hesitation, it’s when your body says yes before your mouth can say no, i.e., until you get your lies straight. I’m pretty sure only one of us is getting lucky tonight.