A Visitor - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 14

The newest handsome man on Stumptown gets a visit from Dex.

Undercover - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 14

Who is the police eavesdropping on during Stumptown Season 1 Episode 14?

Dex and Grey - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 13

Dex and Grey are used to being a dynamic duo rather than a trio.

Light Bulb - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 13

This is the moment Grey realizes how "close" these three really are.

Letting Them In On The Joke - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 13

Dex lets Hoffman and Grey in on why it is so funny they are working together.

Dex The Comedian - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 13

Dex is giving herself a good laugh about the awkward tension.

Awkward Miles - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 13

How is Hoffman going to handle things when Dex tries to make it awkward?

Dynamic Trio - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 13

Dex, Grey, and Hoffman team up. How awkward is it going to be?

Dex Is Surprised - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 13

Dex seems surprised that Hoffman is coming to her for help.

Calling in a Favor - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 13

Hoffman calls in a favor to Dex on Stumptown Season 1 Episode 13.

Leo - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 13

Could Leo possibly be worse news than Grey even imagined?

Getting a Tattoo - Stumptown

Dex gets a new tattoo on Stumptown. "Till Dex Do Us Part" is the 14th episode of the show's first season.

Stumptown Quotes

Ansel: I wanted to see how much you lost.
Dex: Punk.

  • Permalink: Punk.
  • Added:

Dex: Well you know what they say in Pashto, he who spreads his own goat dung is bound to step in it.
Guy: Pash-
Dex: To. Yeah, it’s what they speak in the stan.
Guy: Yeah.
Dex: Yeah anyone who actually served there would know that. Your dog tags don’t match the name on your credit card and nothing about your car keys says rental, so I’m guessing you’re not in from out of town either. I know you asked if I was from around here figuring we could go back to my place probably ‘cause there’s a woman back at yours.
Guy: Uh.
Dex: Hesitation, it’s when your body says yes before your mouth can say no, i.e., until you get your lies straight. I’m pretty sure only one of us is getting lucky tonight.