Defeated - Stitchers Season 3 Episode 3

What happened to put that look on Cameron's face? Is the job pressure overwhelming? Was it something Kirsten said? Then again, he could be debating dinner options. Maybe it's not ominous.

Hanging Around - Stitchers Season 3 Episode 3

Is Cameron literally climbing the walls of his new post? Linus seems amused by whatever's happening between his friends. Is he witnessing a romantic moment? Or a fight?

Girl Talk - Stitchers Season 3 Episode 3

Camille and Kirsten take a break from their busy work to catch up. Maybe they're sharing stories about their love lives. Or, more likely, planning a secret mission.

A Happy Leader - Stitchers Season 3 Episode 3

Someone's said something to make Cameron's smile. We're hoping it's Kirsten. Mainly because we're enjoying their new relationship status so much.

Team Meeting - Stitchers Season 3 Episode 3

It looks like Cameron's in charge of this operation. Linus appeals his case to the new boss. Will Cameron play by the same rules as Maggie?

Who Were You? - Stitchers Season 3 Episode 3

One of the first things the Stitch Team does is get to know the victim. Thanks to Kirsten's ability, it doesn't take long for them to find out the victim's secrets. What was this man hiding?

I'll Listen - Stitchers Season 3 Episode 3

Someone has Kirsten's attention. Despite her stubbornness, we know she trusts her team. Whatever the problem, it's a safe bet they'll get through it together.

Fight Me - Stitchers Season 3 Episode 3

Kirsten appears ready to take on the world. Even if that includes Camille. Will her friend continue to vote for a cautious approach? That hasn't stopped Kirsten in the past.

Into the Pool - Stitchers Season 3 Episode 3

Kirsten pauses on her way to the stitch pod. Is it safe for her to continue stitching when there are known kinks in the program? That remains to be seen.

Standing Her Ground - Stitchers Season 3 Episode 3

If there's one thing we know about Kirsten Clark, it's that she's not one to back down. Whatever the weird tension is between her and Cameron, we're betting she'll push back against it.

Taking a Moment - Stitchers Season 3 Episode 3

Cameron appears lost in thought. We can't blame the guy for having a lot on his mind. But whether he's contemplating something good or bad is anyone's guess.

Linus at the Ready - Stitchers Season 3 Episode 3

Despite his personal pain, Linus remains the ultimate professional. He hasn't missed a beat. But will the pain of his father's death eventually catch up with him?

Stitchers Quotes

Kirsten: how long have I been in this room?
Maggie: Answer the question.
Kirsten: I'm trying to. How long have I been in this room?
Maggie: Guess.
Kirsten: An hour?
Maggie: One minute. [smiling and leaning in] You really don't know, do you?
Kirsten: I have this condition, it's called temporal dysplasia. I have no time perception.
Maggie: I've read about this condition. I thought it was made up.
Kirsten: I wish, cause then you could unmake it up; it really sucks. I use memory, logic and math to approximate time difference, but I don't know what time feels like.

Kristen: Why is he here? Are you guys coroners?
Cameron: No. He's here to share his memories with us.
Kirsten: But he's dead.
Cameron: Hmm. Fun fact: After death, consciousness lingers for 30 seconds. After that, 10 minutes and the brain starts to degrade. If we get a sample in here fast enough, we can start a protocol that will slow down further deterioration for days.
Kirsten: Sample? You mean corpse?
Cameron: Tomato/Tamato.
Kirsten: You're getting this guys dead, deteriorating brain to talk to you? How?
Cameron: By inserting a living consciousness into those memories. We call it stitching.
Kirsten: That's impossible.
Cameron: Is that so, doctor I've never studied neuroscience unlike Cameron. The brain is a bioelectrical device with emphasis on electrical. Even after death the wiring, the synapses are all still in there, for a while anyway, and that means so are the memories, but it takes a living consciousness to access them and interpret them and that's where you come in.