Danny is Surprised - Still Up Season 1 Episode 3

Danny is surprised by how his date with Amy ends on Still Up. "The Date" is the third episode of the shows first season.

Lisa Has a Difficult Night - Still Up Season 1 Episode 1

Lisa has a difficult night trying to get her daughter's medicine on Still Up. "The Pharmacy" is the first episode of the show's first season.

Lisa On The Bus - Still Up Season 1 Episode 2

Lisa has an incident on the bus on Still Up. "The Dress" is the second episode of the show's first season.

Lisa Awaits Updates - Still Up

Lisa awaits updates about Danny's date with Amy on Still Up. "The Date" is the third episode of the show's first season.

Danny Is Worried - Still Up

Danny worries that he has cancer on Still Up. "The Dress" is the second episode of the show's first season.

Lisa Tries to Hide - Still Up

Lisa tries to hide from a judgy class mom on Still Up. "The Pharmacy" is the first episode of the show's first season.

Still Up Season 1 Quotes

Lisa: I saw this ad for some new pills called Snoozers. Extra strength for proper insomniacs. I should see if I can get some while I’m here.
Danny: No, don’t. They don’t knock you out. They just make everything taste like cabbage.

Lisa: So, is that your plan for the next month? Every time he’s outside, you’re just going to crawl around in the dark?
Danny: Yeah, I’m committed now. And, you know, on the bright side, think of all the money I’ll save on lightbulbs.