Praying for Silence

Maybe they're praying for Cyrus to keep his mouth shut. They don't even know that David Rosen may be uncovering the truth this very moment.

Praying for Forgiveness

Is Sally praying for forgiveness, or to find a way to make this tragedy work for her campaign? We'll find out when Scandal returns Thursday, Feb. 27th on ABC.

How Much Prayer

How much prayer does it take to be forgiven for bludgeoning your husband to death? "Ride, Sally, Ride" is the 11th episode of the show's third season.

Sally's in Mourning

Sally's in mourning, for the husband she murdered. Scandal returns on Thursday, Feb. 27th on ABC.

Political Spin

We're betting that once Leo and Sally put their heads together they'll find away to make this tragedy work for them on Scandal.

Sally Looks So Serious

Sally looks so serious but we're guessing she's more worried about her political future than her dead spouse.

Will Leo Find Out?

What kind of advice would Leo have for Sally if he knew the truth? "Ride, Sally, Ride" is the 11th episode of the show's third season.

Sally Looks So Put Together

Sally looks so put together. It's as though stabbing her husband to death didn't even faze her.

Advising Sally

Sally's being advised to run for president but what if the truth behind her husband's death comes to light. Scandal returns Thursday, Feb. 27th on ABC.

Sally's Got a Lot on Her Mind

Sally Langston's got a lot on her mind these days. Is she repenting or planning her next attack on Scandal?

Olivia at Lunch

Olivia sits down to eat in this Scandal scene... with Mellie. Uh-oh!

Maya Pope

Maya Pope turns out to be the most dangerous member of the Pope family on Scandal.

Scandal Season 3 Quotes

[to her mother] I work. I have a life. There's not much to tell.


Mellie, I know the situation is difficult, I do. And I'm so, so sorry. But we have a job to do here, and in order for me to do my part effectively, I'm going to need you to refrain from referring to me as a whore. At least in front of my face. Alright?
