Showdown - Roswell, New Mexico Season 3 Episode 7

It's four against one, when the gang has a standoff with Jones himself on Roswell, New Mexico Season 3 Episode 7.

Tyler Blackburn Season 3 - Short Image - Roswell, New Mexico Season 3

Tyler Blackburn as Alex Manes returns to Roswell determined to undo the legacy of his elders on Roswell, New Mexico Season 3.

Taking Care - Roswell, New Mexico Season 3 Episode 6

Isobel, along with Rosa and Liz, look to take care of Maria as she recovers on Roswell, New Mexico Season 3 Episode 6.

Concerned Isobel - Roswell, New Mexico Season 3 Episode 6

A concerned Isobel looks on as she and her friends visit Maria in the hospital on Roswell, New Mexico Season 3 Episode 6.

At Her Bedside - Roswell, New Mexico Season 3 Episode 6

Rosa, Isobel, and Liz are at Maria's bedside, as she recovers from her injuries on Roswell, New Mexico Season 3 Episode 6.

On Duty - Roswell, New Mexico Season 3 Episode 6

Max is on duty, but with his family as he continues to investigate the break-in on Roswell, New Mexico Season 3 Episode 6.

Back Again - Roswell, New Mexico Season 3 Episode 6

Liz and Max are out in the wild, with Michael nearby, digging around on Roswell, New Mexico Season 3 Episode 6.

Digging Around - Roswell, New Mexico Season 3 Episode 6

Michael joins Max and Liz for an outdoor exploration on the latest Roswell, New Mexico Season 3 Episode 6.

Trading Information - Roswell, New Mexico Season 3 Episode 6

Liz and Alex meet up in Kyle's office and trade something between them on the latest Roswell, New Mexico Season 3 Episode 6.

Liz Helps - Roswell, New Mexico Season 3 Episode 6

Now that Liz is back in town for good, she looks to help her friends in anyway she can on Roswell, New Mexico Season 3 Episode 6.

Friends Meeting Up - Roswell, New Mexico Season 3 Episode 6

Old friends meet up, as Alex talks to Liz in Kyle's office during Roswell, New Mexico Season 3 Episode 6.

Michael Postures Tall - Roswell, New Mexico Season 3 Episode 5

Michael makes an appearance at the Crashdown, and he looks pleasantly amused on Roswell, New Mexico Season 3 Episode 5.

Roswell, New Mexico Season 3 Quotes

Michael: Is something weird going on with Max lately?
Isobel: Weirder than him having an evil twin hidden in the desert?
Michael: He seems fun.
Isobel: Are you sure this isn't misplaced nerves about Alex coming home? Because in last nights mindscape you were sending out some pretty intense 'I think it's our times' vibes.

Isobel: Max! What did he do to you?
Max: He, uh, he told me he's the savior, and I'm the clone.