Secret Cover - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 15

Hiram may be the face of the Lodge dealings, but Hermione is just as involved and the true culprit. She'll take matters into her own hands if she comes across a snitch in her organization.

Feeding Information - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 15

Hiram is suspicious that someone has been feeding information about him and his business to someone outside the inner circle. Will he find out who it could be?

Snitch - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 15

Veronica has warned Archie about what her dad could do if he found out if he snitched. What did Archie do?

By The Books - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 15

Fred has been in business with the Lodges over their development deal. However, when you're in business with Hiram and Hermione, the skeletons in the closet could ruin everything, especially his political career.

The New Mayor - Riverdale

With the mayor's spot open in Riverdale, Fred Andrews considers running and taking over the role.

Quality Time - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 14

Betty and Jughead are getting quality time together at this lake house to enjoy being a couple again. After their last break-up, they need this weekend to fix their issues.

The Original Love Triangle - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 14

Archie, Betty and Veronica have plenty of past drama between them. The love triangle is done, but it's never truly over when these three are together.

Weekend Getaway - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 14

After a little encouragement from Hiram, Veronica is taking Archie to their lake house for the weekend. She's also decided to invite Betty and Jughead along for the ride.

Complicated Relationships - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 14

Jughead, Betty, Veronica and Archie have been on shaky ground for a while now with their heated relationships. Could their weekend plans destroy the foundation of their friendship?

Double Date - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 14

Veronica and Archie are spending some quality time with the closet couple they know: Betty and Jughead. However, they don't look too excited.

Open Relationship - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 14

Moose and Midge are opening up their world to a new type of dating dynamic. Moose is going out to play, and he wants the Sheriff's son.

Cruel To Be Kind - Riverdale Season 2 Episode 14

Josie has noticed some sparks between her mother and Sheriff Keller. The problem is that she doesn't want anything to happen.

Riverdale Season 2 Quotes

Hermione: So, because you’re so determined to paint your father as a villain, you assume he must have put a hit on Fred Andrews? Do you?
Veronica: Not him. You. I don’t think you’re an innocent pawn, Mom. I think you’re Daddy’s eyes and ears on the ground calling the shots.
Hermione: You genuinely believe that?
Veronica: If the Manolo Blahnik fits.
[Hermione gets up]
Hermione: Miha, your disrespect will no longer be tolerated. Not by me and certainly not by her father when he comes home. So word of advice: get back in line with this family. Because you are a Lodge before anything else.
[She learns forward]
Hermione: I should slap you for what you’re insinuating, but I’m not a violent person.

Betty: Well, if it was just some rando robbing Pop’s, then he probably took the money and then got rid of the wallet.
Jughead: Unless it wasn’t just some rando? Unless it was premeditated in some way?
Veronica: What? Is that an actual theory?
Jughead: According to Sheriff Keller, if you ask me. People have grudges, people have enemies. I mean, think of where we live. Fathers are killing their sons. It’s clearly conceivable this was a hit.
Betty: Okay, or the wallet is just at Pop’s? So, we’ll check it out, V.