Hiding In The Woods - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 7

The woods are a dark and dangerous place. What evidence will our search party find hiding away in the trees?

Boarding School Can Wait - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 7

Good news! It looks like Cheryl hasn't departed Riverdale just yet. She's still around the quaint, sleepy town...for another day, at least.

Aunt Cheryl - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 7

The second aunt in this newfound family is reunited with Polly. Hopefully Cheryl will start treating Betty and Polly better now that there's a connection of Jason coming into the world.

Unexpected Surprise - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 7

Uh oh! By the looks on Archie's and Veronica's face, they didn't expect a reason visitor to crash their dinner at Pop Tate's Chock'lit Shoppe.

Sisterly Bond - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 7

What else could Polly be hiding? After the stress of searching, Betty is finally reunited with her sister again. But could Polly know more than she's letting on?

Ice Cream Solves Everything - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 7

Polly is safe and sound in the comfort of Pop Tate's Chock'lit Shoppe. Ice cream won't bring Jason back, but it will give her a break from the stress she's experienced.

My Father's Son - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 7

The expression on Archie's and Jughead's faces is a mix of confusion and surprise. What could their fathers have said that would make them react this way?

Uncomfortable Family Dinner - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 7

Jughead's dad is back in the fray, but it's not an easy night for his son. The last we saw Mr. Jones was when he was sending the drive-in out of business. Is he turning over a new leaf?

A Cooper Rises - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 7

Betty isn't sitting back and letting her parents lie to her anymore. She's going to go out there and find her missing sister before it's too late.

Newfound Family - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 7

Betty and Cheryl aren't friends, but they're now family with Polly being pregnant with Jason's child. Betty needs Cheryl's help to find her missing sister.

Taking One For The Team - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 7

Jughead needs a favor with his father in town, and it's going to involve Archie. Whatever he has in mind, Archie's poker face is as stoic as ever.

Best Friend Animosty - Riverdale Season 1 Episode 7

Why does Jughead look so angry? He should be in a happier place, what with kissing Betty and getting deeper into the Jason Blossom investigation. Something must be making him upset...

Riverdale Season 1 Quotes

What is a "Chock'lit Shoppe" and why does it sell burgers?!


Our story is about a town; a small town and the people who live in the town. From a distance, it presents itself like so many other small towns all over the world...safe, decent, innocent. Get closer though and you start seeing the shadows underneath. The name of our town is "Riverdale".
