Alex Is on a Mission - Quantico

Alex is ready to go to the next stage of her training.

Summer Camp - Quantico Season 2 Episode 17

After what happened in New York, the task force figures that they should all go back to their cover lives because the collaborators are going to lay low for a bit. The collaborators have other ideas.

A Sister in Need - Quantico Season 2 Episode 17

When Nimah goes to check in on Raina, she discovers a staged apartment that reminds her a lot of Alex's apartment when she was framed for the Grand Central bombing. Even though Raina doesn't want her help, Nimah will do whatever it takes to protect her sister.

A Friend Is Framed - Quantico

Alex finds that her friend has been framed on Quantico. "ODYOKE" is the 17th episode of the show's second season.

Connections - Quantico Season 2 Episode 16

During the case, Alex reflects on her life and how she does not really have any close connections with people, romantically or platonically, because of her job.

Mixing Personal with Business - Quantico Season 2 Episode 16

The latest mission requires getting a meeting with a socialite and high profile wedding planner. It's a good thing that Clay just so happens to be planning a wedding.

Personal Lives - Quantico

Everyone on the team reassesses their personal lives on Quantico. "MKTOPAZ" is the 16th episode of the show's second season.

Fake News - Quantico

Owen takes over an investigation into fake news on Quantico. "MOCKINGBIRD" is the 15th episode of the show's second season.

Albey Back Together At Last - Quantico Season 2 Episode 14

Shelby and Alex are back and as amazing as ever. Seeing as the Farm is the new task force's home base, Alex finally gets the chance to show Shelby around the place.

Newcomer - Quantico Season 2 Episode 14

The top secret task force has a new guy in charge, and he's not a fan of, well, anyone really. Can he whip the task force into shape or is it a lost cause?

The Illegal Joint Task Force - Quantico

Alex and her friends are brought together for an illegal joint task force on Quantico. "LNWILT" is the 14th episode of the show's second season.

An Opportunity for the AIC - Quantico Season 2 Episode 12

Thanks to Owen, the AIC has an opportunity they have been waiting for. Now it's time to see if the AIC recruits can run an AIC op at the same time as they run an op for the Farm.

Quantico Season 2 Quotes

Alex: I just saw a dead man.
Shelby: What man, and what makes you think that he's dead?
Alex: Because I'm the one who killed him.

Alex: You know, sometimes I wish we said no, to the mission, to all of this.
Ryan: There was no mission, Alex. We were chasing ghosts.
Alex: They weren't ghosts, Ryan. They were just smarter than us.