Behind Bars

Our favorite Psych duo is behind bars in this photo. It's a shot from "Dead Bear Walking."

Innocent Bear!

This polar bear is not a killer! That's what Shawn and Gus are out to prove.

Fantasy State

Shawn goes through a fantasy on the episode "The Polarizing Express." What would the city be like if he had not come back?

Karate Kids

Gus and Shawn evoke The Karate Kid in this scene. Makes sense. Ralph Macchio guest stars on the 12/8/10 episode of Psych.

In Training

Go get 'em, Gus! The character is at the police academy on the 12/8/10 episode of Psych.

Ralph Macchio on Psych

Ralph Macchio guest stars on the episode "We'd Like to Thank the Academy." It focuses on Shawn and Gus going to the police academy.

Sherilyn Fenn as Maudette

You're looking at a photo from the Psych episode "Dual Spires." It paid tribute to Twin Peaks.

The Psych Team

Shawn and Gus comb through some photos in this scene from Psych. It's a shot from the episode "Dual Spires."

From Dual Spires

This is a shot from the episode "Dual Spires." It's the show's shout-out to the series Twin Peaks.

Ray Wise on Psych

Former Twin Peaks star Ray Wise come on board Psych for a special episode. Titled "Dual Spires," it pays homage to that classic series.

Great Facial Expression

Gotta love the expression on Gus' face in this scene from Psyche. Dule Hill is great in the role.

Asking Questions

Shawn and Gus have many questions on the episode "In Plain Fright." Specifically: did a ghost really commit a murder?!?

Psych Quotes

Gus: That's a player's move, Shawn, a player's move.
Shawn: That's not a player's move, Gus, that's an astronomer's move.

Juliet: It's all police work Carlton.
Carlton: Yeah, right, and global warming is real.
Juliet: Yes, it is, Carlton.
Carlton: Sure it is.