Rose Dressed Up

Here's a picture of Rose dressed up for one of the publicity parties she's forced to go to with Sage in order to get famous.

Sage and Pete Wentz

Pete Wentz guest starred as himself in last night's episode of Privileged. Here's a picture of him with Sage.

Megan Talks the Girls

Megan talks to the girls about thinking about spending some time with their new men rather than worrying about their publicity parties.

Luis and Sage Kiss

Luis and Sage manage to make up from their silly little fight and solve all their problems with some passionate kissing.

Will Embraces Megan

Will embraces a very sad, sobbing Megan, who feels guilty for leaving her sister in jail and not bailing her out.

Zach and Rami

Rose's boyfriend, Zach (Dave Franco) comes to bring Rose a gift and when Rami answers the door the two have a hilarious encounter.

Megan and Family Discuss Bond

Megan, her parents, and Will sit down to discuss whether they should bail Lily out of jail for $25,000 or not. Megan's dad, Arthur (John Allen Nelson) wants to take the tough love approach and not.

Megan Visits Lily in Jail

Megan comes to visit her sister Lily at jail. Lily's been busted for drugs in her hotel room that belong to her husband Sammy.

Rose and Sage Dressed Up

Rose and Sage are dressed up for their charity luncheon for Cuba. Sage especially is dressed with a little Spanish flair.

Rose in Her Gown

Rose is dressed in a gown for her charity luncheon that she set up for the plight of the Cuban immigrants. She did it to get Sage closer to Luis.

Rose and the Synchronized Swimmers

Rose organizes a charity luncheon in order for Sage to talk to Luis more. Rose brings in synchronized swimmers to reenact the Cuban immigrants plight. They use a raft. Very funny.

Marco and Keith

Marco and Keith (David Monahan) sit down to eat at the charity luncheon. These two are not very happy as they're fighting about Marco opening a cafe.

Privileged Season 1 Quotes

Will is basically the hottest guy ever, how haven't you thrown yourself at his feet?


Sage: I am so sick of you worshiping at the altar of Megan Smith
Rose: What is that supposed to mean?
Sage: You've been acting all righteous ever since her and her poly cotton ass has walked into this house