Hot Seat - Power Book II: Ghost Season 1 Episode 1

Tariq finds himself in the hot seat, as he tries to get selected into a unique program on Power Book II: Ghost Season 1 Episode 1.

Mother & Son - Power Book II: Ghost Season 1 Episode 1

Monet and Cane look around the yard at their party guests during Power Book II: Ghost Season 1 Episode 1.

Tariq in Court - Power Book II: Ghost Season 1 Episode 1

Tariq takes a seat in the courtroom to support Tasha during Power Book II: Ghost Season 1 Episode 1.

A Meeting - Power Book II: Ghost Season 1 Episode 1

Lauren and Tariq meet for the first time at Stansfield University on Power Book II: Ghost Season 1 Episode 1.

Rushing To Class - Power Book II: Ghost Season 1 Episode 1

Tariq finds himself running through campus on his way to an important meeting on Power Book II: Ghost Season 1 Episode 1.

Power Book II: Ghost Season 1 Quotes

Carrie: You just got here. Why are you in such a hurry to leave?
Tariq: I have to help my grandmother with my baby sister. I have to help my family.

Simon: Why, Tariq, I had almost given up hope. Is your watch stopped?
Ida: Young African-Americans have a responsibility to be prompt, young man. We must subvert expectations whenever possible.
Tariq: Yes, ma'am. I apologize. I had a family emergency.
Simon: Yeah, well I guess you have thee family emergency these days, don't you? He really is remarkably resilient, wouldn't you say, Ida?