So Content

David and Mary Margaret look so content with their newborn son in their arms on the season finale of Once Upon a Time.

Not Wasting Any Time

Only in Storybrooke do you need a dagger and a sword to visit a newborn. Zelena didn't waste anytime coming to meet the new baby.

Falling From the Sky

It appears that a house falls out of the sky but at this point it appears that Dorothy is wearing regular shoes.

Dorothy Looks Scared

Dorothy looks scared. We think she's got every reason to be terrified. Does she know she's facing down the Wicked Witch?

Meeting Dorothy

Dorothy meets both Glinda and Zelena. How do things go so horribly wrong from here?

The Pendant

There's that pendant that helps Zelena focus her power. Is there anyway that Emma can get it off her neck?

Can Glinda Convince Her

Can Glinda convince Zelena to fight her evil tendencies? We just don't see it happening.

Back in Oz

Back in Oz, Glinda tries to convince Zelena to join the other witches in protecting their land.

Dramatic Enough

Giving birth is usually dramatic enough but having the Wicked Witch on your tail raises it to a whole other level.

In Labor

David holds Mary Margaret's hand while she's in labor. Hopefully they'll get to keep this child longer than they did Emma.

Celebrating the Newborn

Only on Once Upon a Time do you see a sword and a dagger in the room with a newborn baby. It looks like Zelena doesn't waste any time coming to visit.

Pink or Blue

We were hoping for a clue to the baby's gender but that yellow baby blanket isn't giving anything away.