Returning to Fort Salem - Motherland: Fort Salem

Raelle and Abigail return to Fort Salem on Motherland: Fort Salem. "Of the Blood" is the first episode of the show's second season.

Life Change - Motherland: Fort Salem Season 1 Episode 10

Tally makes a fateful decision that will change the direction of her military life.

Pushy Mother - Motherland: Fort Salem Season 1 Episode 10

Petra pulls strings to get Abigail into War College without Tally or Raelle.

Family Reunion - Motherland: Fort Salem Season 1 Episode 10

Raelle's mechanic father attends her graduation from Basic Training, giving her a letter from her mother.

Stalwart Friend - Motherland: Fort Salem Season 1 Episode 10

Despite her mother pulling strings to get her into War College, Abigail chose to go on a rescue mission with her unit mates.

Big Heart - Motherland: Fort Salem Season 1 Episode 10

Raelle's big heart ends up costing her on a dangerous mission to rescue the remaining Tarim.

Rescue Mission Season 1 Episode 10

General Alder follows through on a humanitarian rescue mission to save the remaining Tarim.

New Path - Motherland: Fort Salem Season 1 Episode 10

Tally winds up going from cynic to true believer when it comes to General Alder.

Still Prisoner - Motherland: Fort Salem Season 1 Episode 10

Scylla remains a prisoner being held in the bowels of Fort Salem.

Graduation Day - Motherland: Fort Salem

Raelle, Abigail, and Tally graduate from Basic Training on Motherland: Fort Salem. "Witchbomb" is the tenth episode of the show's first season.

Tough Times - Motherland: Fort Salem Season 1 Episode 9

It was a difficult few days for Abigail: eulogizing Libba, seeing her ascension blocked, disappointing Adil.

On the Rise - Motherland: Fort Salem Season 1 Episode 9

With intel supplied by Abigail's unit, Petra thinks her star is finally on the rise.

Motherland: Fort Salem Season 1 Quotes

Listen to me. This is when you go to college. Find a girl, get married, everything nice and good. This is when I go to grind our great nation's enemies into dust.

Abigail [to Paul]

Neighbor lady: I know you're off to Salem tomorrow.
Raelle: Yes, ma'am. A permanent government vacation until I'm old and gray. If I make it that long.