Whole New World - Motherland: Fort Salem Season 1 Episode 1

Tally left behind an all-female compound and is about to encounter men, for better or worse.

Combat Practice - Motherland: Fort Salem Season 1 Episode 1

Abigail briefly gets the upper hand on Tally during combat practice at Fort Salem.

Bad Head Space - Motherland: Fort Salem Season 1 Episode 1

Raelle Collar blames the military for the death of her mother, a combat medic, not the best way to begin her enlistment.

Tough Spot - Motherland: Fort Salem Season 1 Episode 1

Anacostia informs Tally what her unit mate Abigail has been doing behind her back.

Caught in the Middle - Motherland: Fort Salem Season 1 Episode 1

Tally Craven ends up having to serve as a referee between her clashing unit mates Abigail and Raelle.

Legacy Pick Motherhood: Fort Salem Season 1 Episode 1 - Motherland: Fort Salem

Abigail Bellweather comes from a long line of witch military leaders and her attitude shows that she knows it.

Tough Challenge - Motherland: Fort Salem Season 1 Episode 1

Drill Sergeant Anacostia Quartermain faces the difficult task of readying a small class of recruits to fight against the terrorist Spree.

Bad Choice - Motherland: Fort Salem Season 1 Episode 1

Raelle ends up in the infirmary after her new crush Scylla convinces her to sample an illegal magical herb.

Magical Homework - Motherland: Fort Salem

Abigail, Tally, and Raelle enjoy a quiet moment of togetherness after a long day of basic training.

Motherland: Fort Salem Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Listen to me. This is when you go to college. Find a girl, get married, everything nice and good. This is when I go to grind our great nation's enemies into dust.

Abigail [to Paul]

Neighbor lady: I know you're off to Salem tomorrow.
Raelle: Yes, ma'am. A permanent government vacation until I'm old and gray. If I make it that long.