What Happened? - Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 6

Something happened to Creek's brother, but what? The team looks concerned.

Something Is Out There - Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 6

It looks like Fiji has forgiven Bobo for his sordid past. Was Creek part of their reunion?

Listening Intently - Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 6

Bobo and the team don't look too happy at what Joe is telling them. Are the feeling betrayed for him not sharing what he is?

Warmed Up - Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 6

It must be cold in Midnight for Joe to have a blanket over him. Did he just jump out of the truck? Notice the open door?

Hello - Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 6

Is Joe about to show the team what he really is? Will he finally share what he knows about the fraying of the veil?

Fire! - Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 5

It looks like Bobo's shop went up in flames. Could Lowry and his gang be to blame?

Bubble Love - Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 5

Fiji takes Bobo into her protective bubble. Will they kiss again, or are they just talking?

Bobo's Hurt - Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 5

Fiji looks to be protecting herself from something, but Bobo looks to be hurt. What happened?

Bared - Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 5

Lem isn't fooling around. Although he doesn't attack humans for blood, if it's a bad guy threatening the town, Lem is all in.

Don't Challenge Lem - Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 5

It's laughable that anyone would knowingly challenge a vampire. They're going to regret it!

Trouble - Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 5

It looks like these guys are looking for some trouble.

L-O-V-E - Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 5

Creek and Manfred are in love, but will she be able to deal with his secrets when they are revealed?

Midnight, Texas Season 1 Quotes

Olivia: Fiji, why aren't you jumping already?
Fiji: That's not what I was thinking. I was admiring his cooking techniques. And don't make that dirty.

Xylda: You'll be safe in Midnight.
Manfred: That would mean a whole lot more coming from someone who wasn't dead.