Entranced - Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 4

Joe, Creek and Manfred look serious as they listen to Fiji. Is she telling them good news or bad?

Still in Town - Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 4

Joe hasn't left Midnight yet, and we hope he never does. The team needs him to help defeat the big bad.

Magic Potion - Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 4

Fiji shows off some of her magic potions. Unless it's a new kind of tea she wants everyone to try.

Manfred on the Move - Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 4

Has Manfred tired of Midnight already? It looks like he's headed somewhere fast!

Making Plans - Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 4

It looks like Fiji might be planning a romantic dinner. Is she on the phone with Bobo?

Target Found - Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 4

It didn't take Olivia long to find her target. What does she want from him and why?

Fierce - Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 4

Olivia looks fierce with those sunglasses. Maybe she'll share where she shops!

Mesmerized - Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 4

Don't mess with Oliva, mister. You won't like what you find! Besides, Lem wouldn't be too happy if he found you staring at his girl!

Passing By - Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 4

This guy looks very interested in Oliva. She is striking in black, isn't she?

At the Hotel - Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 4

Olivia is undercover on another job. Will we finally learn her backstory?

Miss Monster - Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 4

It looks like something worse than vampires has invaded Midnight. How will the team get rid of this monster?

Creek and Manfred - Midnight, Texas

Creek and Manfred head out to the bar on Midnight, Texas. "Sexy Beast" is the fourth episode of the show's first season.