Crazed Claire

Claire as a torturer? Something has certainly happened to this character, as seen here in the episode "Lighthouse."

Tic Tac Toe

Tic Tac Toe? Sure, why not?!? Miles and Hurley play at The Temple.

Jack from Lost

The episode "Lighthouse" centers around Jack. Here's a shot of the troubled doctor.

Locke and Father

This is an interesting shot from Locke's Sideways world in the episode "The Substitute." He's looking at a photo of himself and his father.


The episode "The Substitute" takes us into Locke's world in Sideways 2004. Yes, he's back - or still? - in a wheelchair.


It's safe to say that Ben has a lot to learn and figure out on season six of Lost. His life has changed considerably.

Dead Body

Locke really is dead. At least for now. At least during this scene in "The Substitute."

Ben vs. Ilana

In this scene from "The Substitute," Ben and Ilana hold forth. How are these two connected to each other?

Frank Lapidus

Who doesn't love Frank Lapidus? He has been a great addition to the Lost cast.

Beach Scene

Sun and Lapidus expect the body of the real John Locke in this scene. It's courtesy of the episode "The Substitute."

Parallel Timeline

In 2004, Kate is holding a cabbie and Claire hostage. This is in a new, parallel timeline.

Handsome and Armed

Sawyer is reverting back to his season one form. He's one unhappy castaway in light of Juliet's death.

Lost Quotes

Find a suitcase. If there's anything you want in this life, pack it in there, because you're never coming back.

Ben [to Jack]

Why there is a dead Pakistani on my couch?

Hurley's mom