Baze at the Wedding

Sorry, Baze, but Cate and Ryan really did get married to conclude season one of Life Unexpected. There's still hope for you, though.

Married Pair!

Cate and Ryan are now married. What will this for season two of Life Unexpected? We'll need to tune in and find out.

Baze and Dad

Baze has major father issues. He's seen here with his dad on the first season finale.

Math in Attendance

Math is seen here at Ryan and Cate's wedding. It's a shot from "Love Unexpected."

Lovely Lux

Lux looks gorgeous, doesn't she? This is a shot from the first season finale.

Love Unexpected Scene

It's a big day for Baze, Cate and Lux on the season finale of Life Unexpected. The episode is titled "Love Unexpected."

Bride Coming!

Here comes the bride. Cate walks down the aisle in this scene from the Life Unexpected season one finale.

Such a Beautiful Bride

Cate looks beautiful as a bride, doesn't she? This is a shot from the Life Unexpected season finale.

Road Trip Pals

Lux and Cate go on a road trip during "Father Unfigured." It doesn't go so well.

Formal Reformed Scene

Cate is NOT happy with Baze in this scene. It's courtesy of the episode "Formal Reformed."

Winter Formal Scene

Bug and Lux have an interesting relationship. They are seen here at the Winter Formal.

As Cate

Shiri Appleby is picture here as Cate. She's a main part of the Life Unexpected cast.

Life Unexpected Season 1 Quotes

My dad said to do what I love and I love to drink for free.


You both can't be parents, you both need parents!
