Physical Lucy - Killjoys Season 5 Episode 3

As one of her last acts, Lucy manifests a physical body to deliver information before The Lady's virus overtakes her.

Unknown Quantity - Killjoys Season 5 Episode 3

Khlyen, who helped the Killjoys escape from The Lady, remains a mystery as to whose side he is supporting.

Unpleasant Surprise - Killjoys Season 5 Episode 3

Johnny determines that any of the three Killjoys, or none of them, may be the new host body for The Lady.

Mental Check - Killjoys Season 5 Episode 3

Dutch is concerned about how Johnny is handling the fallout from their fake marriage in the memories implanted by The Lady.

Suspected Spy - Killjoys Season 5 Episode 3

Because of an entry port on his neck, D'avin is suspected by Dutch of being the new host body for The Lady.

Torture Chamber - Killjoys Season 5 Episode 3

The Lady continues to torture Dutch in her unrelenting quest to find Jaq, or the Firstborn as she calls him.

A Traitor Among Them -- Tall - Killjoys Season 5 Episode 3

Dutch tells Johnny about her concern that The Lady may have taken over D'avin's body before their escape.

A Traitor Among Them - Killjoys

The trio begins to wonder if there's a traitor among them on Killjoys. "Three Killjoys And A Lady" is the third episode of the show's fifth season.

Stubborn Pursuer - Killjoys Season 5 Episode 2

Pree the RAC agent is steadfast in his effort to capture Yala, who the black warrant described as a terrorist.

Faithful Husband - Killjoys Season 5 Episode 2

Johnny can't believe the terrorism charges against his wife Yala and recruits D'avin to bring her in alive.

Uncertain Killjoy - Killjoys Season 5 Episode 2

D'avin feels the inconsistencies in the world around him and believes Yala when she tells him it isn't real.

Dirty Dealer - Killjoys Season 5 Episode 2

Turin was cruder and angrier than ever in his new role as Old Town's resident drug dealer, who Yala rips off.

Killjoys Season 5 Quotes

It's your weekend.

D'avin [to Delle Sayeh]

Computer: Did you enjoy Khlyen's case study on the chemical properties of plasma, Sayeh?
Delle Sayeh: Definitely not a bestseller. I hope the sequel has more sex.