Jane Who? - Emerald City Season 1 Episode 4

This woman's name is Jane, but we have no idea who she is or how she fits into the story. Is she another interloper?

It's Jack - Emerald City Season 1 Episode 4

We don't know how he survived his fall, but here he is. He looks pretty okay, doesn't he? Is Tip with him?

Counseling West - Emerald City Season 1 Episode 4

Could Tip be counseling West? Or is the counseling happening the other way around?

Weary West - Emerald City Season 1 Episode 4

Does West know the truth about Tip? How soon before she figures out Tip's past?

With Two Witches - Emerald City Season 1 Episode 4

What secrets is Tip telling West and Glinda? They seem very interested in what she has to say.

A New Counsel - Emerald City Season 1 Episode 4

Tip looks like she's getting ready to be one of Glinda's new recruits.

Watching - Emerald City Season 1 Episode 4

Glinda is watching something from her balcony. Is she trying to determine if Tip meets her standards?

Don't Jump - Emerald City Season 1 Episode 4

Tip looks quite distraught after pushing Jack off the balcony, but won't she be in for a surprise!

The Good Witch - Emerald City Season 1 Episode 4

If Glinda really is the good witch, it's a good thing Tip is with her and not West. Why is there such an interest in Tip anyway?

Illumination - Emerald City Season 1 Episode 3

We have to wonder if Ana is there just as a mole or if she really is advising the Wizard the way he expects. Will she turn out to be a traitor?

Beautiful Princess - Emerald City Season 1 Episode 3

We just have one word: Wow! Dorothy looks absolutely beautiful, but why is she dressed like a princess? Is this how you have to be to meet the Wizard?

Elegant Bath - Emerald City, Season 1 Episode 3

If you're in an elegant castle, you might as well take and elegant bath, right? We hope Dorothy hurries it up so she can get home!

Emerald City Quotes

Do you really want to know what I wish for? I wish there was more.


Aunt Em: Dorothy, she's your mother.
Dorothy: You're my mother.