Who Is The Mystery Woman? - Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 4

Who is a mysterious woman who is following Ruby on Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 4?

Strange Pub - Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 4

The Doctor and Ruby visit a strange pub where the locals are scared of legendary creatures on Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 4.

Searching for The Doctor - Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 4

Ruby searches for the Doctor after getting separated on Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 4.

Ruby Sees a Mysterious Woman - Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 4

Ruby sees a mysterious woman on Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 4.

Ruby is Frightened - Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 4

Ruby is frightened by the woman who is following her on Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 4.

Ruby Realizes She's Being Followed - Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 4

Ruby realizes she's being followed by a mysterious woman on Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 4.

Spectacular Visit - Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 4

The Doctor is excited about a spectacular visit when the TARDIS lands in Wales on Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 4.

Ruby Confronts a Mysterious Woman - Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 4

Ruby confronts a mysterious woman who has been following her on Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 4.

Exploring Wales - Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 4

Ruby explores the cliffs of Wales on Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 4.

The Doctor and Ruby Land in Wales - Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 4

The Doctor and Ruby land in Wales and embark on a strange adventure involving legendary creatures on Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 4.

Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Ruby: Have I seen you before?
Hiker: I don't know. Have you?
Ruby: No, it was a different... never mind.

Ruby: I've been to Wales twice. Once I went to Cardiff and when I was sixteen I went to Mumbles over a boy. I think I broke his heart.
The Doctor: Roger Gwilliams is a bad example of a prime minister from Wales. He brought the world to the brink of nuclear -- wait, what year are you from, again?
Ruby: 2024.
The Doctor: Oh, right. He's from 2046, your future.