Confidence - Criminal Minds S1E05 - Conspiracy vs Theory - Criminal Minds: Evolution

The BAU enlists Voit to help capture Jade and Damien, the UnSubs behind the Gold Star killings.

Eye Roll - Criminal Minds S1E05 - Conspiracy vs Theory - Criminal Minds: Evolution

The BAU enlists Voit to help capture Jade and Damien, the UnSubs behind the Gold Star killings.

JJ in Black - Criminal Minds S1E05 - Conspiracy vs Theory - Criminal Minds: Evolution

The BAU enlists Voit to help capture Jade and Damien, the UnSubs behind the Gold Star killings.

Alvez in Action - Criminal Minds S1E05 - Conspiracy vs Theory - Criminal Minds: Evolution

The BAU enlists Voit to help capture Jade and Damien, the UnSubs behind the Gold Star killings.

Jade and Damien - Criminal Minds S1E05 - Conspiracy vs Theory - Criminal Minds: Evolution

The BAU enlists Voit to help capture Jade and Damien, the UnSubs behind the Gold Star killings.

Frightened Flier - Criminal Minds S1E05 - Conspiracy vs Theory - Criminal Minds: Evolution

The BAU enlists Voit to help capture Jade and Damien, the UnSubs behind the Gold Star killings.

Tender Moment - Criminal Minds S1E05 - Conspiracy vs Theory - Criminal Minds: Evolution

The BAU enlists Voit to help capture Jade and Damien, the UnSubs behind the Gold Star killings.

Rossi In a Mood - Criminal Minds S1E05 - Conspiracy vs Theory - Criminal Minds: Evolution

The BAU enlists Voit to help capture Jade and Damien, the UnSubs behind the Gold Star killings.

Catching Psychos - Criminal Minds S1E05 - Conspiracy vs Theory - Criminal Minds: Evolution

The BAU enlists Voit to help capture Jade and Damien, the UnSubs behind the Gold Star killings.

BAU on a Plane - Criminal Minds S1E05 - Conspiracy vs Theory - Criminal Minds: Evolution

The BAU enlists Voit to help capture Jade and Damien, the UnSubs behind the Gold Star killings.

Voit Family Reunion - Criminal Minds S17E04 Kingdom of the Blind - Criminal Minds: Evolution

This is a photo from Criminal Minds: Evolution Season 2 Episode 2, titled “Kingdom of the Blind.”

Tyler Sniffs Around - Criminal Minds S17E04 Kingdom of the Blind - Criminal Minds: Evolution

This is a photo from Criminal Minds: Evolution Season 2 Episode 2, titled “Kingdom of the Blind.”

Criminal Minds: Evolution Quotes

The tragedy of life is not death but what we let die inside of us while we live. -- Norman Cousins


Agent Rossi has forgotten more about serial offenders than we will ever know. The Bureau is lucky to have him leading the BAU.
