Securing Her Place - Claws

Desna must secure her place as a gangster on Claws. "Chapter Six: Greed" is the sixth episode of the show's fourth season.

Virginia Slips - Claws Season 4 Episode 5

After Georgia makes some canny guesses about what Desna's crew has been doing, Virginia spills about everything.

Part of the Crew - Claws Season 4 Episode 5

Georgia pieces together what Desna and her crew are doing.

Selfless Gesture - Claws Season 4 Episode 5

The usually greedy Uncle Daddy makes a selfless gesture to protect Bryce and Jenn.

Reconciling With Crew - Claws Season 4 Episode 5

Quiet Ann promises Jenn that she'll help Uncle Daddy watch Jenn's girls.

Getting News - Claws Season 4 Episode 5

Grandfather Uncle Daddy gains temporary custody of Jenn and Bryce's daughters.

Fantasy Getaway - Claws Season 4 Episode 5

Jenn fantasizes what it would be like to escape to Mexico with Bryce and their girls.

Jenn Under Duress - Claws Season 4 Episode 5

Jenn falls off the wagon under the pressure of her girls being taken away by Social Services.

Guilty Desna -- Tall - Claws Season 4 Episode 5

Desna, who feels guilty after Jenn and Bryce lose their girls to Social Services, offers to let them stay at her condo.

Guilty Desna - Claws Season 4 Episode 5

Desna, who feels guilty after Jenn and Bryce lose their girls to Social Services, offers to let them stay at her condo.

Baron's Future - Claws Season 4 Episode 3

Polly discovers the heartbreaking truth about her latest mark, Baron von Rykle.

Finding His Calling - Claws Season 4 Episode 3

After attending birthing class with Quiet Ann, Dean decides he's meant to be a midwife.

Claws Season 4 Quotes

I'm on somewhat of a depression fast because my man decided to leave me for his beige-cardigan wife.


Desna: I spoke to Uncle Daddy.
Jenn: And ...
Desna [shouting]: We gettin' off like O.J.