Friends Reunite - Clarice Season 1 Episode 5

Clarice and Ardelia enjoy a quiet moment after Clarice's harrowing night at the institution.

The End is Near - Clarice Season 1 Episode 5

Krendler meets with his estranged wife Mandy as they attempt to finalize their divorce.

Worried About Friend - Clarice Season 1 Episode 5

Ardelia searches for clues at the institution where she feels Clarice is being held.

Intense Hallucinations -- Tall - Clarice Season 1 Episode 5

Drugs injected into her take Clarice back to Buffalo Bill's well.

Cover Guy - Clarice Season 1 Episode 4

Clarke remains behind to answer the phones while the rest of the ViCAP team unofficially investigates Wellig's murder.

In The Middle - Clarice Season 1 Episode 4

Agent Anthony Herman tries to recruit Clarice to his Violent Crimes team if she'll turn on Krendler.

New Guy - Clarice Season 1 Episode 4

Esquivel worries about the future of his new team, ViCAP.

Friendship Strained - Clarice Season 1 Episode 4

When Ardelia is recruited to assist Agent Herman's investigation of ViCAP, it causes friction between her and Clarice.

Bureau Fall Guy - Clarice Season 1 Episode 4

Agent Anthony Herman is trying to pin the blame for Wellig's assassination on his Quantico classmate Krendler.

Checking Security - Clarice Season 1 Episode 4

Ardelia and Agent Haynes comb through surveillance to identify the two men who worked together to poison Wellig.

Old Rivalry - Clarice Season 1 Episode 4

After Wellig's death at the ViCAP office, Clarice and VICAP are investigated by Krendler’s rival at the Bureau, SA Anthony Herman.

Career Opportunity - Clarice Season 1 Episode 4

When Ardelia is recruited to assist Special Agent Anthony Herman, it causes friction between her and Clarice.

Clarice Quotes

Therapist: You were a survivor.
Clarice: To be a survivor, you have to be a victim. I was just doing my job.

I thought it was done.
