Doing It Together - Chicago PD Season 7 Episode 18

Upton tries to help Rojas, who realizes someone she cares about might be involved in a case that Intelligence is pursuing.

A Stern Talking from Voight - Chicago PD

Rojas gets caught up in a case when she realizes someone close to her may be involved and begins to worry.

Looking Good - Chicago PD Season 7 Episode 17

Atwater wears his best outfit as he goes undercover for a drug deal that will nab a murderer responsible for the death of an 11-year-old.

Undercover and Helpless - Chicago PD Season 7 Episode 17

When Atwater goes undercover, he trusts that his team will take care of him, but Paul Staples betrayed that trust.

Frank Rochester - Chicago PD Season 7 Episode 17

Voight enlists the help of a reformed gang member, Frank Rochester, to get a key witness' testimony in a murder case.

Work This One For Me - Chicago PD Season 7 Episode 17

Voight enlists the help of a reformed gang member to get a key witness' testimony in a murder case.

Paul Staples - Chicago PD Season 7 Episode 17

As a gang war brews, Paul Staples from homicide joins Intelligence and continues to make missteps when it comes to Voight.

Look Towards the Light - Chicago PD Season 7 Episode 17

Voight enlists the help of a reformed gang member to get a key witness' testimony in a murder case.

Looking for Clues - Chicago PD Season 7 Episode 17

Rojas joins the team as they look into a victim's home in hopes of finding evidence that connects him to the crime.

Drop Your Weapon - Chicago PD Season 7 Episode 17

Voight doesn't play games and when he arrives on the scene, his scene, you better respect his orders.

Gang War - Chicago PD

Voight and the team try to stop a gang war on Chicago PD. "Before the Fall" is the 17th episode of the show's seventh season.

On the Lookout - Chicago PD Season 7 Episode 16

An armed robbery case quickly turns into a homicide investigation; when one suspect's background suggests domestic violence

Chicago PD Season 7 Quotes

Halstead: What do you think?
Upton: I think we keep digging like we said. If he did it, he wouldn't have us out there risking our lives. Voight's a lot of things but selfish isn't one fo them.

Atwater: You're welcome, by the way.
Officer: Excuse me?
Atwater: You and your boy came pretty damn close to shooting a black man that didn't have anything to do with that murder. Way I see it, I saved your career.