Entering Jail

Castle and Beckett stroll into jail in this scene from the 3/18/2013 episode. It's titled "Scared to Death."

Visiting Prison

Beckett and Castle are led into prison in this scene from "Scared to Death." Don't worry: they are just visitors.

Frightened Beckett

Beckett is in the foreground of this Castle scene, looking a bit frightened. Aptly, it's from the episode "Scared to Death."

Scared to Death Scene

This is an eerie scene from Castle. It's taken from the installment "Scared to Death."

Staring Down a Suspsect

Castle and Beckett stare down a suspect in this scene. It's from the episode "Scared to Death."

Castle, Beckett and Espo

Castle, Beckett and Espo are on the scene in this Castle photo. It's from the episode "Scared to Death."

Rick with Questions

Rick has many questions in this Castle scene. It's courtesy of the Season 5 episode "Hunt."

Leading Castle Away

Castle is led away in this scene from the hit ABC series. It's courtesy of the episode "Hunt."

Dylan Walsh on Castle

Dylan Walsh guest stars here on Castle. It's a scene from the episode "Target."

Partners Fighting Crime

Castle and Beckett are on the case! In this case, that case involves the death of a reality star.

Castle and Dad

Rick Castle is seen here... with his father! Get a look here at James Brolin in that key Castle role.

Rick and Kate

Rick and Kate look on here during the Castle episode "Recoil." It first airs on 2/4/13.

Castle Season 5 Quotes

Esposito: Who knew that Gates had a softer side?
Ryan: It's creepy. Very, very creepy.

My dad is a spy!


Castle Season 5 Music

  Song Artist
Song Move That Ass (Get On the Floor) The Page Brothers
Call Me Maybe Carly Rae Jepsen iTunes
Song All I Could Think About Was You Robert Duncan