Just Justin

Justin Walker in "The Science Fair" from Season 4 of Brothers & Sisters. We love this guy and hope he manages to stay in school!

Holly Deals

Holly deals with Dennis York in the January 10, 2009 episode of Brothers & Sisters. Will she finally get this guy out of her hair?

Future Wife of Justin

At least we're hopeful! We love Rebecca and Justin together.


A picture of Kevin and Paige in "The Science Fair." This January 2010 episode of Brothers & Sisters features Sarah's daughter.

Stunned Kevin

What has Kevin so shocked? Viewers will need to watch "The Science Fair" to find out.

Sarah Walker Picture

Sarah Walker (Rachel Griffiths) is the divorced, eldest Walker sibling. She is a strong woman but we have seen her weaknesses as well.

A Brother and Sister

Nora and Saul take a walk and have a talk. Saul is always there for the Walkers.

Nora, Robert and Kitty

Nora, Robert and Kitty in "A Bone to Pick." Will Kitty get the treatment she needs? Or is she slipping away from us?

Kitty's Mom and Husband

Kitty's mom Nora and husband Robert look on in "A Bone to Pick," the first episode of Brothers & Sisters in 2010. It will be very interesting to see how Kitty's health holds up.

Strong Sarah

Sarah will have to be there for Kitty, given the events we just saw at the wedding. Her sister's health looks to be failing fast.

What's Wrong with Kitty

Will Kitty make it? Nora and Robert fear the worst, but we'll have to wait and see what the doctors say.

The Harpers

Holly, David and Rebecca prepare for R's wedding. But will Justin be in the right frame of mind to go through with it?

Brothers & Sisters Season 4 Quotes

Kitty: You are gonna have to embrace your inner princess.
Rebecca: I don't have an inner princess.
Kitty: You are gonna have to get one.

From the minute my kids were born all I did was worry about them. I thought surely this will stop when they get older but no. What I worry about has changed but I'm still worrying. And what good has all this worrying done? None. With or without it my kids are doing just fine. They're happy and they're fine. I just need to learn to relax. I deserve to be happy.
