Recuperating Rogue - Blood & Treasure Season 1 Episode 3

Arms dealer Aiden Shaw is enjoying his rest time in the hospital after being shot by Farouk as a loose end.

Deciphering the Code -- Tall - Blood & Treasure Season 1 Episode 3

Lexi takes out Farouk's sniper who had been monitoring Danny and Asim then comes under fire herself.

On the Case - Tall - Blood & Treasure Season 1 Episode 4

This is a photo of agents on the case from Blood & Treasure Season 1 Episode 4.

Hanging with the Lead - Blood & Treasure Season 1 Episode 3

This is a photo from Blood & Treasure Season 1 Episode 3, "Code of the Hawaladar."

Hands on her Hips - Blood & Treasure Season 1 Episode 3

This is a photo from Blood & Treasure Season 1 Episode 3, "Code of the Hawaladar."

Cute Haircut - Blood & Treasure Season 1 Episode 3

This is a photo from Blood & Treasure Season 1 Episode 3, "Code of the Hawaladar."

Katia Winter from Blood & Treasure Season 1 Episode 3

This is a photo from Blood & Treasure Season 1 Episode 3, "Code of the Hawaladar."

On the Case - Blood & Treasure

This is a photo of agents on the case from Blood & Treasure Season 1 Episode 4.

Deciphering the Code - Blood & Treasure

Lexi must decipher encoded information on Blood & Treasure. "Code of the Hawaladar" is the third episode of the show's first season.

International Law - Blood & Treasure Season 1 Episode 2

Interpol Agent Gwen Karlsson isn't sure what her former compatriot Danny McNamara is up to with his former girlfriend.

Back From the Dead - Blood & Treasure Season 1 Episode 2

Karim Farouk, who funds terrorism by selling art antiquities, was thought to be dead but has returned to raid an Egyptian tomb.

Help From Above - Blood & Treasure Season 1 Episode 2

Father Chuck, Danny's old boyhood friend, runs interference with international police for Danny and Lexi.