Romero Is Frustrated - Bates Motel

Romero's frustrations begin to boil over on Bates Motel. "The Convergence of the Twain" is the second episode of the show's fifth season.

Manager of the Bates Motel Season 5 Episode 1

Norman is now the sole occupant and the manager of the Bates Motel.

Checking Out the Safe - Bates Motel Season 5 Episode 1

Norman is looking for or putting something into the safe.

Frozen Body - Bates Motel Season 5 Episode 1

Is this a frozen body or a body waiting to be frozen? We'll find out!

Dragging the Body - Bates Motel Season 5 Episode 1

Mother drags a body along the floor. Where is she taking it?

Mother Kills - Bates Motel Season 5 Episode 1

Mother kills to protect her son. How far will she go during Season 5?

A New Discovery - Bates Motel

A new discovery proves troubling on the season premiere of Bates Motel. "Dark Paradise" is the first episode of the show's fifth season.

Bates Motel Season 5 Quotes

What dream am I in Mother?


Norman: Oh mother, what is wrong with you?
Mother: What is wrong with me? Oh. Let me see. Ahhhh. Well, for starters, I am dead. And why am I pretending to be dead? So I can get away from everyone and anyone who can distract me from YOU, OK?
Norman: I know that, and I appreciate it.
Mother: You appreciate it? You appreciate it like I baked you a coffee cake or something? I spend 24/7 in this house lookin' after you, feeding you, bolstering your moods, doing your laundry. I can't leave. I'm going nuts here. I literally gave up my life to protect you. To give you a life without trouble. And we're doin' it, right? We're doin' it. I mean, a mentally ill boy and a dead woman. We're actually doin' it. We have customers, we have a life.
Norman: I know, and I appreciate it.