Making Bail - tall - Animal Kingdom Season 5 Episode 8

Craig had a wild night throwing a party at the Cody home and picking up his coke and party habit again.

Updating Craig - tall - Animal Kingdom Season 5 Episode 8

J wants to talk about the situation with Deran, Adrian, and the DEA and has to share that the job is ruined.

Taking the Blame - tall - Animal Kingdom Season 5 Episode 8

J is taking the blame for the botched Cartel drugs job, but he has a bone to pick with Deran over Adrian.

Coming to Blows - tall - Animal Kingdom Season 5 Episode 8

Deran is sick of J's deceit and attempts at taking over, and when he learns they won't get payment from the cartel job, he snaps.

Coked-Out Craig - tall - Animal Kingdom Season 5 Episode 8

Craig is back on the hard drugs, but will it affect how he handles things with his brothers and J?!!

Fraught Brotherhood - tall - Animal Kingdom Season 5 Episode 8

As Deran and J continue to have a power struggle, Craig grows more fed up with their antics and expresses it.

New Enemies - tall - Animal Kingdom Season 5 Episode 8

J and the others make some new enemies as their past actions begin to catch up with them on an all-new Animal Kingdom.

Craig is Fed Up - tall - Animal Kingdom Season 5 Episode 8

The tensions that have been brewing with the Cody boys finally comes to a head on Animal Kingdom Season 5 Episode 7.

Past Mistakes - Animal Kingdom

The boys must deal with past mistakes on Animal Kingdom. "Gladiators" is the eighth episode of the show's fifth season.

Shooting Lessons-tall - Animal Kingdom Season 5 Episode 7

Pope teaches Cassandra how to shoot when they spend more time in the desert on Animal Kingdom Season 5 Episode 7.

Brothers Surf - Animal Kingdom Season 5 Episode 7

Deran and Craig catch some waves together and have a chat after completing their latest job on Animal Kingdom Season 5 Episode 7.

Pope in the Pool - Animal Kingdom Season 5 Episode 7

Pope is submerged in some more water as he still works through his pain and grief on Animal Kingdom Season 5 Episode 7.

Animal Kingdom Season 5 Quotes

Smurf killed their father, and we stole their gold. This is never going to blow over, Craig.


Craig: What's the plan?
Pope: We give it back.
Craig: This is a million dollars in gold.
Deran: Naw, Pope's right.