Finding the Evidence - All Rise Season 3 Episode 7

Luke interrogates the lead investigator to learn the truth about the arson fires.

Tired of the Sideshow - All Rise Season 3 Episode 7

Lola is weary of the sideshow in her courtroom.

Sara's Attack - All Rise Season 3 Episode 7

When Sara is attacked in court, Mark and Emily rush to help.

An Unexpected Appearance - All Rise

Lola gets an unexpected person in her courtroom on All Rise. "Through The Fire" is the seventh episode of the show's third season.

All Rise Season 3 Episode 7 Quotes

Mark: It’s too bad you didn’t take him to a basketball game and serve him with his divorce papers.
Amy: Mark, don’t do this, not tonight.
Mark: No one is more tired of this conversation than I am. I’ve tried to be empathetic, but he’s taking advantage of this situation.

Lola: My husband has an annoying habit of making important life decisions without me.
Sherri: You’re still struggling to find a nanny?
Lola: Not anymore, apparently. Sounds like this morning Robin found Bailey a daycare and dropped her off with complete strangers.