Special 90210 Guest Star

Adrianna and Joe Jonas are interviewed on the red carpet prior to a Hollywood party. This is a photo from "Mother Dearest."

Joe Jonas on 90210

Joe Jonas plays himself on the 90210 episode "Mother Dearest." He takes Adrianna to a party.

Sad Ivy

Poor Ivy. She wanted to lose her virginity to Dixon, but was stuck losing it to that jerk Oscar instead.

Charlie and Annie Photo

Annie has a lot to learn about new pal Charlie. This guy has a dark and disturbing side.

Ha! Liam!

Liam needs money and is forced to go shirtless in order to get it. Can you blame Liam and Dixon for laughing at their pal?

Evolving Teddy

Teddy has a lot to learn about himself on season three of 90210. Ian will help him along the way.

A New Family

Awww! Ryan is now a proud father, while Jen is likely an annoying mother. Everyone wish the non-couple good luck in their role as parents!

Push, Jen!

It's time for Ryan and Jen to meet their baby on the 10/11/10 episode of 90210. Keep pushing, girl!

With Ian

Teddy has a new friend/rival in the character of Ian. But we all know these two will become far more than friends.

Dixon and Doctor

Dixon faces a pretty serious medical scare on the 90210 episode "Catch Me If You Cannon." He faces the doctor in this scene.

Ian and Teddy

Pictured in this 90210 scene: Kyle Riabko as Ian and Trevor Donovan as Teddy. It's courtesy of the episode "Catch Me If You Cannon."

Charity Auction Scene

Navid and Silver get down with each other in this fun photo from "The Bachelors." It's a scene from a charity auction.

90210 Season 3 Quotes

Remind me to tell you about my liaison with Rob Pattinson. He bites.


Deb: These are allergies.
Annie: And what are you allergic to, mom?
Deb: Senior year.