Meanwhile, Hunter is focused on her oncology study, and if that means raking in some money from a big-time investor so be it. She shows off a bit to Marshall in this still, but one can't help but wonder, does she know that Marshall is Conrad's father? It could certainly explain the relationship that Conrad and Lane have and why he's so reluctant to give Nic the benefit of the doubt when it comes to Lane.

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The Resident
The Resident Season 1 Episode 6: "No Matter the Cost"
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The Resident Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Winthrop: You look well. Atlanta suits you.
Conrad: Why are you here, Dad?
Winthrop: I'm looking for worthwhile investment opportunities.
Conrad: It's been over a decade since we last spoke, and you suddenly show up. What's the real reason?
Winthrop: You were always suspicious.
Conrad: And you were always a narcissist.

Irving: What happened to him?
Mina: I did.