King of the Nut Shot

On TBS's Go-Big Show, Horse (aka Zac Gordon) shows up to do business.

Triple Dutch

On TBS's Go-Big Show, Tori Boggs leaps into a flaming Double Dutch set of jump ropes with her own solo rope.

Tori Boggs on Fire

On TBS's Go-Big Show, Tori Boggs prepares to jumprope with flames

Judges with Their Ball Guns

On TBS's Go-Big Show, Cody Rhodes, Rosario Dawson, T-Pain, and Jennifer Nettles are prepared to take part in Horse's act.

The KaMaKaZiE KiD

On TBS's Go-Big Show, Levi Troutman, aka The KaMaKaZiE KiD, defies death for a living.

Dare Daughter Annaliese Nock

On TBS's Go-Big Show Season 2 Episode 7, circus performer Annaliese Nock looks ready for anything.

Andrew Parker on Go-Big Show

On TBS's Go-Big Show Season 2 Episode 7, escape artist Andrew Park is assisted by his snake-wielding mother and his scorpion-handling assistant, Jonathan.

Annaliese Nock About to Fly

On TBS's Go-Big Show, circus performer Annaliese Nock prepares to take to the skies

Andrew Parker Overhead View

On TBS's Go-Big Show, escape artist Andrew Parker is covered in a medley of distractions during his act.

Troutman on Fire

On TBS's Go-Big Show Season 2 Episode 7, Levi Troutman, the KaMaKaZiE KiD, lights things up.

Semi-Finals Judging

On TBS's Go-Big Show, Cory Rhodes, Rosario Dawson, T-Pain, and Jennifer Nettles await the competition

GBS Escape Artist

On TBS's Go-Big Show, this contestant has sixty seconds to escape a grisly death