Night Goes Wrong - Domino Day: Lone Witch S01E01

The night goes all wrong for Dom as she deeply regrets her actions on Domino Day: Lone Witch.

Prepping for a Night Out - Domino Day: Lone Witch S01E01

Dom prepares for a night out where she goes on the hunt to sustain herself on Domino Day: Lone Witch.

On a Date - Domino Day: Lone Witch S01E01

Dom and Leon go on a date together but it doesn't go quite like she plans on Domino Day: Lone Witch.

Tearful Times - Domino Day: Lone Witch S01E01

Dom is in tears as she has to reconcile with some of the things she does and the results in the series premiere.

Jules Scouts Out - Domino Day: Lone Witch S01E01

Jules is scouting things out for her coven as they try to understand Domino Day better.

Dom and Leon - Domino Day: Lone Witch S01E01

Dom has a special bond with Leon, the bartender, and has genuinely developed feelings for him.

Sammie Observes- Domino Day: Lone Witch S01E01

Sammie is observant of Domino when she tries to keep up with who and what she is on the series premiere.

Kat, Coven Leader - Domino Day: Lone Witch S01E01

Kat is the leader of her coven and has her sights on Domina Day as she tries to figure out the mystery behind her.

Coven Planning - Domino Day: Lone Witch S01E01

Kat and Jules are looking into some things and learning more about Domino.

Club Scene - Domino Day: Lone Witch S01E02

Dom visits the club scene to feed her inner nature during the series premiere event of Domino Day.

Sweet Taunting - Domino Day: Lone Witch S01E02

Domino does what she does best and tries to lure a man into her clutches for survival during the series premiere.

Domino Day - Domino Day: Lone Witch S01E01

Siena Kelly stars as Domino Day, a witch in Manchester with extreme power on Domino Day: Lone Witch.