All Together - Castle

It isn't often that we get to see everyone from Castle dressed up and enjoying an evening together. They certainly look to be having a wonderful night.

A Celebration - Castle

There's a definite celebration going on in the Castle season 7 finale so let's all raise our glasses for a toast along with the cast.

Ready For the Show - Castle Season 7 Episode 22

Who's ready for the show to start? It's time for "Dead From New York" this week on Castle.

Is Castle a Fan? Season 7 Episode 22

Who's on top? Castle star Nathan Fillion or pop music star Carly Rae Jepsen while filming Castle Season 7 Episode 22?

They Have a Fan - Castle Season 7 Episode 22

Turns out that Detective Kate Beckett has a fan on the staff of "Saturday Night Tonight"

Castle and Beckett Look On

Castle and Beckett look on as Carly Rae Jepsen sings on stage in "Dead From New York"

Getting Through It Together - Castle Season 7 Episode 15

The best part about the "Reckoning" was that for the first time in the series, a Castle two-parter ended with Rick and Kate getting through it together.

Role Playing - Castle

One of the best things about "Private Eye Caramba!" was the Caskett role play. Kate Beckett was "just a girl looking for a private dick." Looks like she found one.

Married at Last - Castle Season 7 Episode 6

Rick Castle and Kate Beckett were married at last in a small, private ceremony in the Hamptons on Castle Season 7 Episode 6.

The Pitbull - Castle

A personal injury attornery known as "The Pitbull" is murdered on Castle. "Habeas Corpse" is the 19th episode of the show's seventh season.

A Childhood Dream Come True - Castle Season 7 Episode 16

Despite the fact that someone died, being able to play in a Mars simulation must straight out of one of Castle's childhood dreams.

Suppose To Be Cool - Castle Season 7 Episode 16

We know being an astronaut is cool, but the outfits are anything but. Not even Castle can pull off this look.

Castle Quotes

This isn't one of your books, Castle!


Kate: Are you here to annoy me?
Castle: I'm here for the story.